Graphic Design

Below is a list of graphic design projects I have completed during my studies at Brunel University.
Need It On? 
Poster Campaign
Posters created to encourage students to switch off electrical devices around campus. Their heavy use of perspective and solid, contrasting blocks of colour aim to reflect the fact that small lifestyle changes can have large impacts on the world around us by creating a big sense of scale and power in the everyday objects which they depict. The posters all share the same palette and composition such that they can be recognised as a 'Need It On' design from the other side of a building and remind students to switch off appliances.
This work was submitted to the University's environmental committee by my lecturer and is being considered for display around campus.
Paraiah Magazine
Complete Brand Design For a Retro Music Magazine.
Over the course of 5-10 weeks of weekly meet ups, I helped create a full brand for a fictional retro music magazine named "Paraiah" including a front cover, advertising, and an app in a team of 5 dedicated students. You can see below the mock ups that we developped.